Monday, February 21, 2011

Beer Review: Brew Works Hop'solutely

Allentown Brew Works: Hop’solutely
Allentown, PA
Style: Triple IPA
ABV: 11.5%
Beeradvocate Rating: B
Serving type: Four-pack bottles
Purchased at: Wegmans

Look: Copper
Smell: Herbal, Wood
Taste: Strong, Sweet
Feel: Warm, Low carbonation
Drinkability: Moderate
I’ve been wondering about this IPA for a while now, ever since I ended up with some beer coasters advertising it. A strong point on this beer for me was the triple IPA status as well as the 11.5% ABV. The higher the ABV, the happier the beer makes me. Also, I think I’ve only tried one triple IPA before. I got Hop’solutely in a four pack of 12oz bottles for like $8 or $9, which isn’t a bad deal considering it will get you feelin correct as shit.
The beer pours a copper earth-like tone with a thin appearance. You can smell the sweetness of the hops up front and they are backed by floral and earthy notes. There’s a little citrus closing out the deal. With the first taste you get hit with a pretty decent boozy blow, but are then quickly swept over by pears, apricots, and herbal hops. The beer gives off a warming taste and finishes dry and woody (no homo). I was very surprised by this beer because I expected a very thick and syrupy IPA. That was all but the case. The beer drinks and tastes like a beer carrying an ABV of about 7.5%. Its punch of booze up front will turn off rookz, thus making the drinkability to be moderate. Personally, I love the beer. It got me drunk as shit. I can easily drink it and it doesn’t give me GUTT ROTT. And believe me, you do NOT want GUTT ROTT…
My Rating: A. Best Triple IPA I’ve had. 


  1. Where did you find it?

  2. I got picked these up at Wegman's back home where I live. I know you can grab them at the Foodery in Northern Liberties and I've also seen it floating around the city on tap. Kraftwork's had it as recently as this past weekend.
